
Improving Performance of Public Administration: Current Experiences and Future Perspectives

Macedonian model of policy development is close to the rationalsynoptic policy-making conceptualized by Sabatier (1999) in great detail. It includes five stages: (i) agenda setting or problem definition; (ii) policy analysis or identification of policy options and their evaluation; (iii) Adoption of a policy option; (iv) implementation of a policy option; (v) monitoring and evaluation. […]

“Promoting LEADER in Austria for the development and strengthening of LEADER in Macedonia”

Rural development policy is an increasingly important component of the common agricultural policy (CAP). It promotes sustainable development in Europe’s rural areas addressing economic, social and environmental concerns. Europe’s agricultural policy is determined at EU level by the governments of Member States and is then implemented by them. It is aimed at supporting farmers’ incomes […]

CICR in Saraj – How to Make it Yield Positive Results in Protecting Minority Rights at the Local Level ?

Inter-ethnic coexistence is one of the fundamental values of multiculturalism and is a precondition for maintaining the stability of a particular country and the development of its democracy ( Kis 1996, Linz and Stepan 1996, Alonso and Ruiz- Rufino 2007).

Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development

The development of civil society in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey (WBT) was predetermined by the region’s historical, political, economic and cultural development. Vast majority of the countries of the Western Balkans were under socialist rule and they are still in transition into full democratic systems. The evolution of the civil society started in […]

Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development

Throughout the year 2015, civil society organizations (‘CSOs’) in the Western Balkans and Turkey operated in a relatively stable and unchanged environment compared to 2014 and 2013. The political calamities, coupled with the rise of citizen unrest and the refugee crisis in the Enlargement countries left little room for improvements of the environment for civil […]

Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development

The development of civil society in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey (WBT) was predetermined by the region’s historical, political, economic and cultural contexts. Vast majority of the Western Balkan countries were under the socialist regime and their transition into full democratic systems is still in progress. The evolution of civil society started in the […]

Fostering an enabling environment for civil society contribution to global development

Civil society organizations (CSOs) play a significant role in international development cooperation. Engagement with civil society is critical to national ownership of development processes, democratic governance, and the quality and relevance of official development programmes. According to UNDP, civil society actors at national and global level have developed different competences and influence in a range of […]