Total budget: MKD 330.000

Timeframe: 4 months


The main constituents of this project are: Mayor of the Municipality of Karposh and the municipal administration; the Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection; the citizens of the municipality; local communities; CSOs, religious groups and organizations; political parties and other organized groups, as well as volunteers.


Municipal strategy for protection from Covid-19 and other pandemic threats – Support for the Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection.


In order to deal with the treats of COVID-19 spreading, each municipality has established and activated a Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection. These HQs are led by the mayors, and they are staffed with the representatives of the relevant municipal institutions. This project will undertake protection measures for the population and specific activities that will enable successful implementation of the decisions of the Government and the Commission for Protection from Contagious Diseases. The Government also has a main HQ for dealing with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 which proposed activities for managing the crisis. The competencies of the municipal HQs have been limited to communication and implementation of the recommendations and decrees received from the government. Still, the competencies of these HQs are much broader and they can and should take proactive measures specific for the situation on their territories.

The proposed intervention will help in increasing the capacities for planning and organization with the members of the municipal crisis HQ. Apart from this, ways for more efficient communication and facilitation of citizen participation will be identified. The final goal will be establishing a system for communication and organization at local level that will provide civic self-organization and delegation of part of the competencies of the municipality to the local communities and other local influential groups. In short, better and more efficient organization will provide optimal usage of the limited resources of the municipality and their channelling to the most exposed locations.


Goal: Efficient protection of the population in times of health risks – based on COVID-19 example.


  • Preparation of a strategy for dealing with health threats (COVID-19);
  • Capacity building of the members of the Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection;
  • Preparation of a plan for efficient information of the citizens in crisis communications.


  1. Prepared Strategy for Dealing with Health Threats (COVID-19);
  2. Identified and mapped risks from spreading Covid-19 pandemics in the Municipality of Karposh;
  3. List of possible alternative local activities to prevent the spreading of the infection;
  4. Improved skills of the members of the Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection;
  5. Improved communication of the Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection;
  6. List of planned activities proposed to the municipality;
  7. Creation of a network of active volunteers.


  1. Analysis of the work of the Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection and acquainting with its capacities;
  2. Analysis of the capacities and training needs of the members of the Municipal HQ for Rescue and Protection;
  3. Analysis and mapping of the risks from spreading of COVID-19 which are specific for the municipality;
  4. Preparation of a list of risks and possible alternative solutions;
  5. Preparation of a list with proposed activities and submitting it to the municipality;
  6. Preparation of a strategy for dealing with health threats (COVID-19) and preventing other contagious diseases.