Civica Mobilitas is a civil society support program whose latest phase began implementation on April 1, 2023, and will continue until December 31, 2026.

Overall objective

Social changes in North Macedonia are driven by a strong civil sector, active citizens, and good cooperation with authorities, resulting in an expanded civic space, more sustainable civil society organizations leading to more transparent, accountable, and socially inclusive governance at national and local levels.


This phase of Civica Mobilitas envisions three results:

  1. Increased civic engagement and trust in civil society through informed and active CSO constituents involved in joint civic initiatives.
  2. Policy-making and decision-making benefit from strengthened civil society and increased civic participation.
  3. The environment for civil society development is improved, especially in the area of funding diversification (public and private) for civil society.

Target group

The latest phase of Civica Mobilitas (2023-2026) will work with the following target groups:

• Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), which will be funded and supported to improve their operations, especially in cooperating with authorities to enhance the environment for civil society development, building strong constituents, and increasing their influence on policies and decision-making.

• Citizens, who will be motivated and determined to participate in civic initiatives and who will strengthen their cooperation and engagement with CSOs, thereby increasing their self-confidence to make social changes and increase trust in CSOs.

• Authorities/government bodies, which will be supported to strengthen and improve the environment for civil society development, especially by increasing state funding for CSOs, expanding existing and providing new spaces for civil society, and improving their openness and responsiveness to CSOs participating in policy-making and decision-making processes.


Civica Mobilitas consists of the following instruments and working methods:

  • Grants: Partnership grants and civic engagement grants;
  • Activities to encourage civic engagement: networking meetings, national forums, festivals, and thematic forums
  • Platform for sharing digital data and research and development


The budget amounts to 4,448,964 Swiss francs.

Civica Mobilitas is a project of the Swiss Embassy implemented by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), NIRAS from Denmark, and FCG from Sweden.

Macedonian Center for Internatinal Cooperation (MCIC)

MCIC is a civil society organization founded in 1993 that leads and encourages changes in Macedonia and beyond through new and alternative solutions to social problems. For 25 years, MCIC has been a significant actor in civil society, leading programs for institutional development and organizational strengthening, including advocacy for an enabling environment, capacity building, financial support, and research. Additionally, MCIC operates in the sectors of social inclusion and cohesion, good governance and anti-corruption, as well as supporting the European integration process. Since 1993, MCIC has implemented more than 65 programs with over 1,500 projects realized in these sectors. In 1998, MCIC received the US and EU award for civil society and democracy. For more information, visit:


NIRAS is a Danish consulting company with over 1300 employees, of which 280 work on development projects. Building on more than 40 years of experience in over 100 countries, NIRAS offers a wide range of services and program management, including areas such as good governance, decentralization, and civil society. For further information:

FCG Swedish Development AB

FCG Swedish Development AB (FCG Sweden) FCG Sweden is a consulting company that is the new face of the former ORGUT and SIPU, and is part of the global network of the Finnish Consulting Group, with branches in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. Their goal is to contribute to the development of a society where everyone has the right to participate, whether it’s public sector reforms, forestry, water management, market development, or civil society development. For further information:

About donor:

Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC)

SDC – Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation engaged NIRAS from Denmark, and Macedonian centre for international cooperation (MCIC and SIPU from Sweden for implementing the civil society support program Civica Mobilitas.
For further information:

National Team Members, MCIC

  • Aleksandar Krzalovski, Team Leader
  • Darko Dimov, Grants Coordinator
  • Blinera Redzepi, Grants Associate
  • Gonce Jakovleska, Information and Communication Coordinator
  • Boris Ristovski, Internet and New Media Associate
  • Natasha Serdarevic, Project Associate
  • Aleksandra Sipkovska, Junior Project Associate
  • Karolina Gjurkovska, Public Relations Associate
  • Milka Bozinovska – Miova, Financial Controller
  • Borce Jakimovski, Administration and Finance Associate

International team, NIRAS / FCG

  • Julia Miljevic Jacobsen and Emily Fiti, International Program Manager, NIRAS
  • Sanne Holind and Anna Cecilie Varnild, International Manager responsible for Quality Assurance and Verification, NIRAS
  • Gitte Ketner, International Financial Controller, NIRAS
  • Petrus Theunisz, International Backstopper – Senior Expert in Civil Society Development, NIRAS
  • Simon Forrester, International Key Expert, NIRAS
  • Ana Vasilache, International Key Expert, FCG

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